VIEWING: * highly encouraged* – available during buisness hours for the week of auction
DISCLAIMER: As an RTTO in WA State, we auction vehicles under RCW 46.55. Registered owners may redeem vehicles from impound for the duration of auction for the full balance due on the account. Registered owners are prohibitted from bidding on their vehicle at auction. A-Jacks is not liable to any bidders for vehicles removed from auction prior to it’s close. If you are the high bidder on a vehicle, A-Jacks office staff will contact you with your total balance due 1 -2 hours post auction. Payment is due NO LATER than 4:00pm the day of auction’s close. All vehicles must be removed from A-Jacks’ premesis no later than 4:00pm the Friday following auction’s close. Failure to remit timely payment will result in $150 per vehicle re-list fees being charged to your account, and auction privledges being suspended. Failure to redeem vehicles by Friday afternoon will result in accumulation of daily storage charges. Vehicles left after 2 weeks from auction’s close will be re-impounded at the buyer’s expense.